What the Right-of-Way Means
A right-of-way allows pipeline operators, like Kansas Gas Service, to access buried pipelines.Keeping the Right-of-Way Clear
A pipeline right-of-way is a strip of land encompassing buried pipelines and other natural gas equipment allowing them to be permanently located on public and/or private land to provide natural gas service.
The right-of-way should be kept clear of obstructions to enable Kansas Gas Service employees and contractors to safely operate, patrol, inspect, maintain and repair the pipelines.
It’s important that you do not install any structures, plant trees or shrubs or store anything that could be an obstruction on or near rights-of-way.

In rural areas, you can spot a pipeline right-of-way by looking for line markers, like the ones shown in this image. These are used to indicate the presence of a buried pipeline.
In populated areas, pipeline markers are not always required. It is important to always contact 811 – in both populated and rural areas – to have underground utility lines located and marked before beginning any excavation.
Be cautious before beginning any construction projects on your property, such as the installation of fences, mailboxes, sprinkler systems, etc. You should never dig or construct anything without first calling 811 to have the natural gas pipelines and other underground utilities marked at no cost to you.
Right-of-Way Reminders
- Before you dig, always contact 811 at least 2 full working days before the scheduled excavation start date - excluding day of notification, weekends and holidays
- Don’t dig until locations of all underground utility lines are marked or cleared
- Use hand tools while digging near and around marked underground utility lines within the tolerance zone.
- Don’t plant trees or tall shrubs on or near a right-of-way
- Don’t dig, build, store or place anything on or near a right-of-way